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Why Outsource to the Philippines & How to Do It

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The thought of growing your business can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Business growth is always exciting but knowing the most cost-effective way to achieve it can be a challenge. When looking for an affordable way to expand your talent pool, you’ve likely considered outsourcing.

Overall, outsourcing can provide your business with numerous benefits. Not only can you cut down on labor costs, but you can broaden your talent search horizons.

One of the top outsourcing hubs to consider is the Philippines. The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry in the Philippines employs over 1 million individuals and is valued at $23 billion. The growth of the BPO industry in the Philippines is partially due to nearly 50% of Fortune 1000 companies outsourcing to the Philippines.

Keep reading to discover why outsourcing to the Philippines is beneficial and how to get started with outsourcing with C9 Staff.

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Benefits of Outsourcing to the Philippines

What makes the Philippines an attractive place for outsourcing your business?

The first benefit that comes to mind is likely lower labor costs. Outsourcing to the Philippines allows you to find highly skilled professionals who live in areas with lower costs of living. As a result, you’ll save money on payroll costs without sacrificing a talented staff.

In addition to financial attractiveness, the skilled talent pool available in the Philippines has made it a BPO industry leader. Compared to neighboring countries, the Philippines is home to ten times as many higher education institutions. This number of HEIs has resulted in a higher number of educated professionals in the Philippines talent pool. With talent from the Philippines, you can better expand the services your business offers.

Filipino professionals are also highly proficient in English, making them effective at communicating. Out of 24 Asian countries, the Philipines ranks second, according to the EF English Proficiency Index.

Data security regulations put in place by the Philippine government are another advantage to outsourcing to the Philippines. In an effort to support the BPO industry, the Philippine government created the Data Privacy Act of 2012. his act illustrates how the country complies with the International Data Privacy Standard, which is vital for foreign companies outsourcing to the Philippines.

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Getting Started: How to Outsource to the Philippines With C9 Staff

The key to a successful remote talent search is a comprehensive recruitment and hiring strategy. Any staffing search can be difficult to take on alone; Thankfully, you don’t have to.

The first step to take when outsourcing to the Philippines is partnering with a skilled outsourcing staff solutions firm like C9 Staff.

Once you’ve partnered with C9 Staff, you’re assigned an account strategist. Your account strategist aids you in developing a custom onboarding process that aligns with your business needs. Our team guides you through each step of the recruiting process with our end-to-end managed services.

C9 Staff oversees the candidate search, from conducting interviews to background checks to managing employment benefits. Each step of this process is streamlined to ensure a smooth process integration when onboarding and integrating new staff. C9 Staff also monitors your staff on a monthly basis. We provide you with time tracking, project management and more to ensure your outsource staffing experience is smooth and transparent.

In the end, C9 Staff helps you leverage the power of globalization when growing your business.

Ready to expand your business with outsource staffing?
Contact C9 Staff today to discover how you can expand your talent pool and save up to 70% off your payroll!
