Rockstars and Ninjas Wanted

We are looking for:


Professionals who are proactive and who don;t just wait for opportunities – they create them.

Self-motivated individuals

Professionals who realize we’re playing in a whole new level and who bring their A-game every single day.


Professionals who never settle for good enough and who consider excellence as the norm of doing things.


Professionals who do not need to be supervised and who know and understand what is expected of them.

If you think you have what it takes, feel free to submit your application today.

apply for the available positions below. If you don’t see a position that fits you but you believe you belong to our roster of heroes, submit your CV to


4 Available jobs

Technical Web Developer

Professionals who realize we’re playing in a whole new level and who bring their A-game every single day.

Graphic Designer

Professionals who realize we’re playing in a whole new level and who bring their A-game every single day.

Project Manager

Professionals who realize we’re playing in a whole new level and who bring their A-game every single day.