call center colombia

Call Center Colombia: Guide to Outsourcing from the U.S.

If you’re a business owner looking to outsource call center services, Colombia should be at the top of your list. This thriving South American country is home to a talented and bilingual workforce, making it the perfect choice for companies looking to reduce costs while maintaining high-quality customer service.

In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about outsourcing to Colombia, from the cost of doing business there to the types of services available. So if you’re ready to take your call center operations nearshore, read on.

Why Colombia for Your Nearshore Call Center Needs?

Colombia currently employs over 600,000 call center professionals. This number is expected to rise even further as the rest of the world realizes the depth of skills available locally.

The country is the fourth largest business process outsourcing (BPO) market in Latin America, with a market size of almost $23 million and an annual growth rate of 19%. In addition, it has the third largest labor force in the region at 26.4 million and growing. Some of the reasons why companies choose Colombia for the call center operations include:

Bilingual Workforce

Around 25% of the country’s workforce is located in Bogota, the country’s capital, which is also its main education cluster. In addition, because English certifications and training programs are easily accessible in the area, over 70% of the city’s population are bilingual professionals who also have a strong cultural affinity for the U.S., Canada, and other first world countries. Other Colombian cities that also boast high English proficiency suitable for thriving call center operations include Medellin, Cali, Bucaramanga, Cartagena, and Barranquilla.

Competitive Labor Cost

How much does it cost to outsource call center activities to Colombia? The cost of having call center operations in Bogota and other parts of Colombia is 50% to 70% lower than in the U.S. Below is a comparison of typical call center roles and their corresponding wages between Bogota and the United States.

call center colombia

Compute how much it would cost to outsource call center operations in Colombia using C9 Staff’s customer service and call center staff calculator.

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The availability of the right professional talent and technological resources makes setting up Colombia call center operations one of the best decisions a BPO company can make. Some of the investment opportunities for BPO services include telemarketing, sales, customer service, tech support, finance and accounting, engineering, human resource management, architectural design, graphic design, medical transcription, telemedicine, legal services, and many more.


Colombia is in the same time zone as eastern areas in the U.S., making it a great nearshore option for setting up call center operations. The Colombian airport also serves multiple direct flights to major cities in the United States.

Government Support

The Offshore BPO Confidence Index lists Colombia number one among global BPO markets, with a rating of 90.9%. The index evaluated multiple call center locations around the world in terms of political and economic stability, security, real estate, government support, and the availability of multilingual talent.

Colombia’s ratings were highest in BPO industry strength and government support, which effectively means that there are ample resources for technology and telecommunications infrastructure. The government is also investing in promoting bilingual education, thereby boosting confidence among call center operators considering setting up in the country or further expanding their presence.


Being one of the preferred call center locations in the world, there is no doubt that Colombia has the capacity to support the most demanding inbound and outbound contact center functions any business would need. Because of the strong support from both the Colombian and the U.S. governments, the country is home to excellent telephones, technology, utility connections, and infrastructure, which includes multiple submarine communications cables to enable reliable and seamless high-speed international connections.

Call Center Colombia: Outsourcing Your Call Center Operations

Many businesses consider outsourcing their call center services to Colombia to save costs and take back precious time for their core team to focus on other aspects of their operations. When you remove the time consuming and routine tasks from your office’s daily processes and leave it to the capable hands minus the high cost of labor, you create more opportunities for your business to explore more revenue sources.

When you outsource call center activities to Colombia, you not only save on labor costs but also cut back on hiring, recruitment, and training expenses. You also will no longer have to worry about office and compliance costs. Outsourcing companies already take care of the routine processes, so workers will be coming in ready to get started on your business.

Ready To Outsource Your Call Center To Colombia? C9 Staff Can Make It Happen

With hundreds of call center specialists and operations in Colombia, it can be challenging to know if you’re working with the right partner at the best price. C9 Staff can simplify your search and save you money. Let our proven experience in call center outsourcing and nearshoring in Colombia work for you. Contact C9 Staff today for a free consultation and strategy session.

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